Thursday, April 24, 2008

I love soundtracks

I don't really know why, but I just do. Even some movies that I have never seen (i.e. James Bond, Mission Impossible, Titanic), I have the soundtracks, thanks to Itunes. For the movies I have seen, the soundtracks relive the moments.

I have the stuff you would expect; Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean. But I also try to find some other stuff; Batman, Chronicles of Narnia, Prince of Egypt, and National Treasure. I probably listen to soundtracks more than anything else. Some people will think that strange, but I simply enjoy listening to a good soundtrack much more than pounding rock tunes, not that I don't listen to a few of those once in a while.

Lately, I have been looking at some different composers and their works. John Williams is most famous for Star Wars. Some of you may know that he also wrote some of the Indiana Jones music. But do you remember Jaws, Superman Returns, and Saving Private Ryan? Another big name is Hans Zimmer from Pirates of the Carribean. He also composed scores for Black Hawk Down and Gladiator.

The next time you watch a movie, try to keep track of the score. A good film score will pull you along with the emotion of the movie. Soundtracks can really add to a movie, as many of the recent films have shown. Try some, and you'll enjoy reliving your favorite movie without having to take your eyes from what you're doing.


Sara said...

John Williams is my favorite composer ever! I literally gasped when you mentioned him in your blog. Huge fan of his Harry Potter score, disappointed he no longer writes for it. However, I hung out with a lot of John Williams fans and we would actually play a "Guess the John Williams Score" game and keep score. Not lying (we were nerds like that). He also wrote the Jurrasic Park score, which is my current ring tone! yea...I got way too exited about your blog this week, and am definitely listening to my Best of John Williams CD when I get done writing this!

Azor said...

Technically, John Ottman was the composer for "Superman Returns." Williams wrote the score for the original "Superman" film, and it became so iconic that all the subsequent Superman movies, though scored by different composers, leaned heavily on the original Williams themes.

If I had a couple hundred bucks laying around, I would pick up a lavish 8-CD box set that was just released with the original scores (plus unreleased compositions) to the first four Superman films.

jak3 said...

you should see my brothers! John Williams, Hans Zimmer, John Ottman etc. etc. They devour all the soundtracks they can get their hands on!